ADDENDUM TO AGM NOTICE notices in Kerala, India by Alind


<h3 style="text-align:justify"><strong><span style="font-family:Times New Roman,Times,serif"><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-size:9.0pt"><span style="color:#262626">Taking the inconvenience of those shareholders who cannot access the meeting through VC/OAVM into consideration, the company has arranged for physical meeting also at its registered office on 15.12.2020 at 11.30 A.M.</span></span></span></span></strong></h3>


Taking the inconvenience of those shareholders who cannot access the meeting through VC/OAVM into consideration, the company has arranged for physical meeting also at its registered office on 15.12.2020 at 11.30 A.M.

Taking the inconvenience of those shareholders who cannot access the meeting through VC/OAVM into consideration, the company has arranged for physical meeting also at its registered office on 15.12.2020 at 11.30 A.M.